Tango is more than a dance. Tango is also a popular musical genre, a poetic song, a passionate way of living and feeling. Characterized by its attitude, enticement, sensuality, power, drama, and enthrallment, dancers have fallen for the passion and beauty of tango movements for well over one hundred years. Not easily described, tango must be seen and experienced, its cheek-to-cheek, embrace, alternating short and sweeping steps, quick and powerful kicks, pivoting movements, and interlacing legs. Whether dancing authentic tango performed for the pleasure of the dancers, or watching show tango meant to thrill audiences, one will always encounter bodies striking as the man guides the woman to the music in this sensual exchange.
This exhibit was the result of over twenty years of passionate travel around the world, collecting artifacts and documents related to Argentine Tango’s history, meticulously archiving those artifacts and documents and preserving them for future generations to enjoy. It is my sincere hope that you thoroughly enjoy this exhibit. My desire is that it will inform, entertain, open your mind to ask more questions, and most importantly, inspire you to research and discover more about the beautiful Argentine Tango. This is the task to which I have dedicated my life - learning, spreading knowledge, and keeping the Tango alive in its most authentic form. From the bottom of my heart, enjoy!
~ Antón Gazenbeek

Enter into the world of romantic intrigue and passionate intensity that is... tango.

above: promotional materials for the National Museum of Dance Tango Gala